
System Panel Troubleshooting

If your system panel displays a trouble code, you can use this page to quickly identify and resolve the trouble condition.

Device Troubleshooting

Peripheral device troubleshooting for door sensors, windows sensors, smoke & heat sensors, motion detectors, garage door sensors and carbon monoxide detectors.

Common Technical Issues

Some trouble conditions may be caused by technical issues. Learn more about these issues and how to resolve them.

Silence Low Battery Beeping

Learn how to silence your system in the event of a trouble condition.

Bypass a Zone

When a sensor is potentially faulty or if it is consistently sending false alarms, bypass the peripheral device’s zone until the issue can be addressed.

Reset System

Information on how to reset and clear the display after an alarm event for the most common ADT security system panels.

Camera Video Quality Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting steps to resolve camera video quality issue that your system may be encountering.

Pulse Gateway Offline

The gateway device controls your wireless connections. If you get the "Status Unavailable" message, you can troubleshoot the issue with this video and step-by-step instructional page.

Wi-Fi Camera Offline

This video and step-by-step instructional page will help you troubleshoot your Wi-Fi camera if its status displays as "offline."