Business FAQs

Yes, ADT Pulse is available for businesses in the U.S. and Canada. Now you can monitor your business with web-enabled devices, easily arm and disarm your system, receive alerts on activities within your business and watch video of employees and customers. Visit to learn more.

You can access the history or view events either using your computer or mobile device. Refer to the Web Portal User Guide if you want to access this information with your computer. Refer to the Mobile User Guide if you want to access this information with your mobile device.

Not every ADT system is the same. To ensure you follow the correct repair or replacement procedure, refer to your business security manual. To replace your motion detectors, please call 1-800-ADT-ASAP for assistance.

You can log into and visit the Dashboard page. Then, in the Help > Order section, click on "Batteries".  There you can order your replacement battery from ADT for your business.

You can view your event history for up to 90 days. To view your event history, log into, select Alarm System from the left menu, then click on the "Alarm History " tab. Select the time frame you wish to view, or search for specific events.

The process of testing zones varies, and depends on which system is installed in your business. Refer to your business security manual for specific instructions about the ADT system installed in your business. Only ADT Pulse business customers can set alarms when they are away from their business location. If you are a Pulse business customer, you can learn how to set the alarm by logging in to your Pulse web portal.

Not every ADT system is the same. This means that there are several different ways to change and alter your security code. Refer to your business security manual to learn how to adjust employee access to workplace areas.

To find your payment due date, locate your statement online by logging into your account, selecting Account from the left menu, and clicking on the Payments tab. To make secure monthly payments online, sign up for EasyPay and check out the MyADT mobile app to manage your accounts on the go.

Each system is different. Refer to your business security manual to learn how to adjust employee access to workplace areas.

Video verification or video alarm verification (VAV) is the pairing of alarm signals with video footage of the event that is triggering the alarm. It allows the operator from one of our 10 state-of-the-art video monitoring centers to see what is activating the alarm. 

Our extensive alarm response expertise, together with video verified alarm monitoring technologies, can help provide quicker response and more comprehensive protection for your business. Learn more about ADT's video verification here.

ADT video verification service adds an additional layer of protection to your property by delivering alarm event video clips to our central station and the customer. With notification of a coYnfirmed crime in progress, local authorities have the information they need to respond quickly - helping reduce losses to property and assets while increasing probability of criminal apprehension. 

Video verification service adds an additional layer of protection to your property. Once an event is triggered, your camera records the event and your local authorities gets notified with the information they need to respond quickly. Learn more about ADT's video verification here.

Yes, if you do not already have Pulse Video, then video verification is an easy upgrade that will allow you receive video clips of alarm events at the same time as the ADT video monitoring center and quickly determine if the alarm was the result of human error or criminal activity. 

If you are already a Pulse Video Customer, then no additional equipment is required for Pulse Video Verification Service.

You will receive video clips of alarm events at the same time as our monitoring center and quickly determine if the alarm was the result of human error or criminal activity. In the event there is a crime in progress, our professionally trained staff will notify both you and law enforcement.

To ensure your system is sending signals to ADT, we recommend testing it every 30 days. It’s easy to test your system, simply log into, select the Alarm System from the left menu, and then click on the System Test tab. Or call 1-800-ADT-ASAP to put your system into Test Mode.

Activate an ADT System
If your new office or store location included an ADT security system when you moved in, activating your previously installed ADT security system is easy. Start by completing the online form. We'll schedule an appointment to review your current security system, as your needs may not be the same as the previous business that occupied your space. In most cases, we can reconnect you within just a few days; some locations may be activated immediately. 

Activate another brand system
If you have another brand system that is not being monitored and want activation, ADT can monitor most types of security systems. ADT can evaluate the system prior to arranging activation. This allows us to serve you better because we know the type and condition of the system. You can select a convenient time for this evaluation. Just complete the convenient online form and an ADT representative will contact you to provide more information and arrange an appointment. 

If you have any questions, please call ADT at 800-238-7887 to schedule an appointment.

You can update account information on by logging into and selecting the My Account tab, or from your account, click on "Live Chat Now" to chat with a representative, or call 1-800-ADT-ASAP for assistance.

Keeping businesses secure is very important. We don’t want to see any business without the protection that is needed. We would like to speak with the new business owner to see if there is a need for protection at this new location. In the meantime, please call us at (800) 587- 2995. We can’t cancel your service online, so call us so that we can assist you.

Yes, as a registered ADT advocate, you are invited to participate in our ADT Refer a Friend Program. When you refer friends, relatives or neighbors to ADT through our referral program and they install an ADT security system and make their first payment, you will receive a $100 Visa gift card. It’s that easy! 

You can refer friends and family members to ADT through either sharing a link via email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or printable flyer. These referrals are generated through For more information, visit our Refer A Friend FAQ page.